Module dphon.reuse
Classes for analyzing text reuse.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Classes for analyzing text reuse."""
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Tuple
from networkx import MultiGraph, create_empty_copy
from rich.progress import Progress, BarColumn, SpinnerColumn
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from .align import Aligner
from .extend import Extender, extend_matches
from .match import Match
from .console import err_console
class MatchGraph():
_G: MultiGraph
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._G = MultiGraph()
self.progress = Progress(
"[progress.description]{task.fields[u]} × {task.fields[v]}",
def matches(self) -> Iterator[Match]:
"""Iterator over all matches in the graph."""
return (Match(**data) for _u, _v, data in self._G.edges(data=True))
def docs(self) -> Iterator[Doc]:
"""Iterator over all docs in the graph."""
return (doc for _label, doc in self._G.nodes(data="doc"))
def number_of_matches(self) -> int:
"""Total number of matches in the graph."""
return self._G.number_of_edges()
def number_of_docs(self) -> int:
"""Total number of documents in the graph."""
return self._G.number_of_nodes()
def add_doc(self, label: str, doc: Doc) -> None:
"""Add a single document to the graph."""
self._G.add_node(label, doc=doc)
def add_docs(self, docs: Iterable[Tuple[str, Doc]]) -> None:
"""Add a collection of documents to the graph."""
self._G.add_nodes_from(((label, {"doc": doc}) for label, doc in docs))
def add_match(self, match: Match) -> None:
"""Add a single match to the graph."""
self._G.add_edge(match.u, match.v, **match._asdict())
def add_matches(self, matches: Iterable[Match]) -> None:
"""Add a collection of matches to the graph."""
self._G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in matches])
def extend(self, extender: Extender) -> None:
"""Extend all matches in the graph using a provided strategy."""
# track progress
task = self.progress.add_task(
"extending", u="", v="", total=self.number_of_matches())
# create a new graph without matches and add each extended match to it
G = create_empty_copy(self._G)
with self.progress:
for u, v in combinations(self._G.nodes, 2):
edges = self._G.get_edge_data(u, v)
if edges:
self.progress.update(task, u=u, v=v)
matches = [Match(**data) for data in edges.values()]
extended = extend_matches(matches, extender)
G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict())
for m in extended])
self.progress.update(task, advance=len(edges))
self._G = G
def align(self, align: Aligner) -> None:
"""Align all matches in the graph using a provided strategy."""
# track progress
task = self.progress.add_task(
"aligning", u="", v="", total=self.number_of_matches())
# create a new graph without matches and add each aligned match to it
G = create_empty_copy(self._G)
with self.progress:
for u, v in combinations(self._G.nodes, 2):
edges = self._G.get_edge_data(u, v)
if edges:
self.progress.update(task, u=u, v=v)
matches = [Match(**data) for data in edges.values()]
aligned = [align(match) for match in matches]
G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict())
for m in aligned])
self.progress.update(task, advance=len(edges))
self._G = G
def filter(self, predicate: Callable[[Match], bool]) -> None:
"""Filter all matches in the graph using a provided predicate."""
G = create_empty_copy(self._G)
filtered = filter(predicate, self.matches)
G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in filtered])
self._G = G
class MatchGraph
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class MatchGraph(): _G: MultiGraph def __init__(self) -> None: self._G = MultiGraph() self.progress = Progress( "[progress.description]{task.description}", SpinnerColumn(), "[progress.description]{task.fields[u]} × {task.fields[v]}", BarColumn(bar_width=None), "{task.completed}/{}", "{task.percentage:>3.1f}%", console=err_console, transient=True, ) @property def matches(self) -> Iterator[Match]: """Iterator over all matches in the graph.""" return (Match(**data) for _u, _v, data in self._G.edges(data=True)) @property def docs(self) -> Iterator[Doc]: """Iterator over all docs in the graph.""" return (doc for _label, doc in self._G.nodes(data="doc")) def number_of_matches(self) -> int: """Total number of matches in the graph.""" return self._G.number_of_edges() def number_of_docs(self) -> int: """Total number of documents in the graph.""" return self._G.number_of_nodes() def add_doc(self, label: str, doc: Doc) -> None: """Add a single document to the graph.""" self._G.add_node(label, doc=doc) def add_docs(self, docs: Iterable[Tuple[str, Doc]]) -> None: """Add a collection of documents to the graph.""" self._G.add_nodes_from(((label, {"doc": doc}) for label, doc in docs)) def add_match(self, match: Match) -> None: """Add a single match to the graph.""" self._G.add_edge(match.u, match.v, **match._asdict()) def add_matches(self, matches: Iterable[Match]) -> None: """Add a collection of matches to the graph.""" self._G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in matches]) def extend(self, extender: Extender) -> None: """Extend all matches in the graph using a provided strategy.""" # track progress task = self.progress.add_task( "extending", u="", v="", total=self.number_of_matches()) # create a new graph without matches and add each extended match to it G = create_empty_copy(self._G) with self.progress: for u, v in combinations(self._G.nodes, 2): edges = self._G.get_edge_data(u, v) if edges: self.progress.update(task, u=u, v=v) matches = [Match(**data) for data in edges.values()] extended = extend_matches(matches, extender) G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in extended]) self.progress.update(task, advance=len(edges)) self._G = G self.progress.remove_task(task) def align(self, align: Aligner) -> None: """Align all matches in the graph using a provided strategy.""" # track progress task = self.progress.add_task( "aligning", u="", v="", total=self.number_of_matches()) # create a new graph without matches and add each aligned match to it G = create_empty_copy(self._G) with self.progress: for u, v in combinations(self._G.nodes, 2): edges = self._G.get_edge_data(u, v) if edges: self.progress.update(task, u=u, v=v) matches = [Match(**data) for data in edges.values()] aligned = [align(match) for match in matches] G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in aligned]) self.progress.update(task, advance=len(edges)) self._G = G self.progress.remove_task(task) def filter(self, predicate: Callable[[Match], bool]) -> None: """Filter all matches in the graph using a provided predicate.""" G = create_empty_copy(self._G) filtered = filter(predicate, self.matches) G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in filtered]) self._G = G
Instance variables
var docs : Iterator[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc]
Iterator over all docs in the graph.
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@property def docs(self) -> Iterator[Doc]: """Iterator over all docs in the graph.""" return (doc for _label, doc in self._G.nodes(data="doc"))
var matches : Iterator[Match]
Iterator over all matches in the graph.
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@property def matches(self) -> Iterator[Match]: """Iterator over all matches in the graph.""" return (Match(**data) for _u, _v, data in self._G.edges(data=True))
def add_doc(self, label: str, doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) ‑> None
Add a single document to the graph.
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def add_doc(self, label: str, doc: Doc) -> None: """Add a single document to the graph.""" self._G.add_node(label, doc=doc)
def add_docs(self, docs: Iterable[Tuple[str, spacy.tokens.doc.Doc]]) ‑> None
Add a collection of documents to the graph.
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def add_docs(self, docs: Iterable[Tuple[str, Doc]]) -> None: """Add a collection of documents to the graph.""" self._G.add_nodes_from(((label, {"doc": doc}) for label, doc in docs))
def add_match(self, match: Match) ‑> None
Add a single match to the graph.
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def add_match(self, match: Match) -> None: """Add a single match to the graph.""" self._G.add_edge(match.u, match.v, **match._asdict())
def add_matches(self, matches: Iterable[Match]) ‑> None
Add a collection of matches to the graph.
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def add_matches(self, matches: Iterable[Match]) -> None: """Add a collection of matches to the graph.""" self._G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in matches])
def align(self, align: Aligner) ‑> None
Align all matches in the graph using a provided strategy.
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def align(self, align: Aligner) -> None: """Align all matches in the graph using a provided strategy.""" # track progress task = self.progress.add_task( "aligning", u="", v="", total=self.number_of_matches()) # create a new graph without matches and add each aligned match to it G = create_empty_copy(self._G) with self.progress: for u, v in combinations(self._G.nodes, 2): edges = self._G.get_edge_data(u, v) if edges: self.progress.update(task, u=u, v=v) matches = [Match(**data) for data in edges.values()] aligned = [align(match) for match in matches] G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in aligned]) self.progress.update(task, advance=len(edges)) self._G = G self.progress.remove_task(task)
def extend(self, extender: Extender) ‑> None
Extend all matches in the graph using a provided strategy.
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def extend(self, extender: Extender) -> None: """Extend all matches in the graph using a provided strategy.""" # track progress task = self.progress.add_task( "extending", u="", v="", total=self.number_of_matches()) # create a new graph without matches and add each extended match to it G = create_empty_copy(self._G) with self.progress: for u, v in combinations(self._G.nodes, 2): edges = self._G.get_edge_data(u, v) if edges: self.progress.update(task, u=u, v=v) matches = [Match(**data) for data in edges.values()] extended = extend_matches(matches, extender) G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in extended]) self.progress.update(task, advance=len(edges)) self._G = G self.progress.remove_task(task)
def filter(self, predicate: Callable[[Match], bool]) ‑> None
Filter all matches in the graph using a provided predicate.
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def filter(self, predicate: Callable[[Match], bool]) -> None: """Filter all matches in the graph using a provided predicate.""" G = create_empty_copy(self._G) filtered = filter(predicate, self.matches) G.add_edges_from([(m.u, m.v, m._asdict()) for m in filtered]) self._G = G
def number_of_docs(self) ‑> int
Total number of documents in the graph.
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def number_of_docs(self) -> int: """Total number of documents in the graph.""" return self._G.number_of_nodes()
def number_of_matches(self) ‑> int
Total number of matches in the graph.
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def number_of_matches(self) -> int: """Total number of matches in the graph.""" return self._G.number_of_edges()