Module dphon.corpus
Classes for loading document corpora and passing them to an NLP pipeline.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Classes for loading document corpora and passing them to an NLP pipeline."""
import logging
import jsonlines
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Union
from rich.progress import Progress, BarColumn, TextColumn, SpinnerColumn
from .console import err_console
# Type for a doc ready to be indexed by spaCy's `nlp.pipe(as_tuples=True)`:
# (content, metadata) where content is a string and metadata is a dict
DocInfo_T = Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]
# Translation table for text content, used for fast text preprocessing
# currently converts all whitespace to `None` (i.e. strips it out)
# and converts some lacunae/missing character markers to fullwidth versions
ALL_WS = "\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x85\xa0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000"
WS_NONE = {k: None for k in list(ALL_WS)}
LACUNAE = {"□": "〼", "○": "〇"}
CONVERT: Dict[str, Union[str, None]] = {**WS_NONE, **LACUNAE}
OC_TEXT = str.maketrans(CONVERT)
class CorpusLoader(ABC):
"""Abstract base class; implements loading of document corpora."""
filetype: str
progress: Progress
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Set up progress tracking."""
self.progress = Progress(
def __call__(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[DocInfo_T]:
"""Load valid files from all paths, returning contents and metadata.
Output is a single tuple of (contents, metadata) where "contents" is the
contents of the file as a string and "metadata" is an arbitrary dict.
One tuple per doc should be returned for consumption by spaCy's
raise NotImplementedError
def _check(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[Path, Any]:
"""Check each of the provided paths and output a list of valid files."""
# track how many valid files we found, and store valid ones with their
# metadata for loading
total = 0
files = {}
# try to create a `pathlib.Path` from each expanded path; store it
# if we succeed so that we can later open the file using it
for path in paths:
for file in map(Path, glob(path)):
if file.is_file() and file.suffix == self.filetype:
size = file.stat().st_size
files[file] = {"size": size, "id": file.stem}
total += 1
logging.debug(f"found {file.resolve()}, size={size}B")
f"path {file.resolve()} isn't a {self.filetype} file")
# if no valid files were found, notify the user and exit. otherwise
# report the total number of files found
if not total:
logging.error("no valid files found")
logging.debug(f"found {total} total files")
return files
class PlaintextCorpusLoader(CorpusLoader):
"""Loads documents stored as one or more .txt files."""
filetype = ".txt"
def __call__(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[DocInfo_T]:
"""Load valid files and metadata and yield in order of size, desc.
All provided paths will be searched, and globs will be expanded, e.g.
/my/home/dir/*.txt will yield all plaintext files in /my/home/dir/.
File metadata consists of the file's name, minus extension (the "stem")
and the file size on disk in bytes.
paths: Iterable of .txt file paths to load.
A tuple of (contents, metadata) for each valid document found.
# sort files by size, largest first, to speed up processing by spaCy
files = self._check(paths)
files_by_size = OrderedDict(sorted(files.items(),
key=lambda f: f[1]["size"],
# track progress
task = self.progress.add_task(
"indexing", filename="", total=len(files))
# open each file and yield contents with metadata as DocInfo_T
with self.progress:
for file, meta in files_by_size.items():
with"utf8") as contents:
f"loaded doc \"{meta['id']}\" from {file.resolve()}")
yield, {"id": meta["id"]}
class JsonLinesCorpusLoader(CorpusLoader):
"""Loads documents stored as lines in one or more .jsonl files."""
filetype = ".jsonl"
def __call__(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[DocInfo_T]:
"""Parse .jsonl files and yield document text and metadata.
All provided paths will be searched, and globs will be expanded, e.g.
/my/home/dir/*.jsonl will yield all jsonlines files in /my/home/dir/.
Each .jsonl file is assumed to consist of lines where each line is a
valid JSON object. The only required properties are "id", a unique name
for the document, and "text", the text of the document itself. All
other properties will be passed through to spaCy.
paths: Iterable of .jsonl file paths to load.
A tuple of (contents, metadata) for each valid document found.
# track progress
files = self._check(paths)
task = self.progress.add_task(
"indexing", filename="", total=len(files))
# open each file and yield each line, with all properties except "text"
# being passed as second element in tuple
with self.progress:
for file in files.keys():
with as reader:
for doc in reader:
meta = {k: v for k, v in doc.items() if k != "text"}
f"loaded doc \"{doc['id']}\" from {file.resolve()}")
yield doc["text"].translate(OC_TEXT), meta
class CorpusLoader
Abstract base class; implements loading of document corpora.
Set up progress tracking.
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class CorpusLoader(ABC): """Abstract base class; implements loading of document corpora.""" filetype: str progress: Progress def __init__(self) -> None: """Set up progress tracking.""" self.progress = Progress( "[progress.description]{task.description}", SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.fields[filename]}"), BarColumn(bar_width=None), "{task.completed}/{}", "[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.1f}%", console=err_console, transient=True, ) @abstractmethod def __call__(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[DocInfo_T]: """Load valid files from all paths, returning contents and metadata. Output is a single tuple of (contents, metadata) where "contents" is the contents of the file as a string and "metadata" is an arbitrary dict. One tuple per doc should be returned for consumption by spaCy's `nlp.pipe(as_tuples=True)`. """ raise NotImplementedError def _check(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[Path, Any]: """Check each of the provided paths and output a list of valid files.""" # track how many valid files we found, and store valid ones with their # metadata for loading total = 0 files = {} # try to create a `pathlib.Path` from each expanded path; store it # if we succeed so that we can later open the file using it for path in paths: for file in map(Path, glob(path)): if file.is_file() and file.suffix == self.filetype: size = file.stat().st_size files[file] = {"size": size, "id": file.stem} total += 1 logging.debug(f"found {file.resolve()}, size={size}B") else: logging.warning( f"path {file.resolve()} isn't a {self.filetype} file") # if no valid files were found, notify the user and exit. otherwise # report the total number of files found if not total: logging.error("no valid files found") exit(1) else: logging.debug(f"found {total} total files") return files
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var filetype : str
var progress : rich.progress.Progress
class JsonLinesCorpusLoader
Loads documents stored as lines in one or more .jsonl files.
Set up progress tracking.
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class JsonLinesCorpusLoader(CorpusLoader): """Loads documents stored as lines in one or more .jsonl files.""" filetype = ".jsonl" def __call__(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[DocInfo_T]: """Parse .jsonl files and yield document text and metadata. All provided paths will be searched, and globs will be expanded, e.g. /my/home/dir/*.jsonl will yield all jsonlines files in /my/home/dir/. Each .jsonl file is assumed to consist of lines where each line is a valid JSON object. The only required properties are "id", a unique name for the document, and "text", the text of the document itself. All other properties will be passed through to spaCy. Args: paths: Iterable of .jsonl file paths to load. Yields: A tuple of (contents, metadata) for each valid document found. """ # track progress files = self._check(paths) task = self.progress.add_task( "indexing", filename="", total=len(files)) # open each file and yield each line, with all properties except "text" # being passed as second element in tuple with self.progress: for file in files.keys(): with as reader: self.progress.update(task, for doc in reader: meta = {k: v for k, v in doc.items() if k != "text"} logging.debug( f"loaded doc \"{doc['id']}\" from {file.resolve()}") yield doc["text"].translate(OC_TEXT), meta self.progress.advance(task)
- CorpusLoader
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var filetype : str
var progress : rich.progress.Progress
class PlaintextCorpusLoader
Loads documents stored as one or more .txt files.
Set up progress tracking.
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class PlaintextCorpusLoader(CorpusLoader): """Loads documents stored as one or more .txt files.""" filetype = ".txt" def __call__(self, paths: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[DocInfo_T]: """Load valid files and metadata and yield in order of size, desc. All provided paths will be searched, and globs will be expanded, e.g. /my/home/dir/*.txt will yield all plaintext files in /my/home/dir/. File metadata consists of the file's name, minus extension (the "stem") and the file size on disk in bytes. Args: paths: Iterable of .txt file paths to load. Yields: A tuple of (contents, metadata) for each valid document found. """ # sort files by size, largest first, to speed up processing by spaCy files = self._check(paths) files_by_size = OrderedDict(sorted(files.items(), key=lambda f: f[1]["size"], reverse=True)) # track progress task = self.progress.add_task( "indexing", filename="", total=len(files)) # open each file and yield contents with metadata as DocInfo_T with self.progress: for file, meta in files_by_size.items(): self.progress.update(task, with"utf8") as contents: logging.debug( f"loaded doc \"{meta['id']}\" from {file.resolve()}") yield, {"id": meta["id"]} self.progress.advance(task)
- CorpusLoader
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var filetype : str
var progress : rich.progress.Progress